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醫學博士克萊爾&middot;麥克林托克(Claire McLintock)<br />在情人節那天,如果您是女人,則可能會忙於製定計劃並為親人購買鮮花,巧克力和賀卡,以確保其他人都在享受假期。但是,對於您來說,在情人節那天也要暫停一下並慶祝自己-特別是您的健康-同樣重要,因為要意識到血液凝塊的風險。血塊是全球四分之一的死亡原因,並且可能對男人和女人構成非常真實的危險。<br />作為女性, [https://2.gp/a7Wv7 脫髮] 。婦女是醫療保健服務的主要消費者?通常,他們所關心的人比他們自己更重要。在情人節那天,為什麼不研究自己的特定血栓風險呢?<br />血塊是心髒病發作,大多數中風和靜脈血栓栓塞(VTE)的根本原因。<br />VTE是一種在靜脈中形成血凝塊的狀況,通常先在腿部深靜脈-一種稱為深靜脈血栓形成(DVT)的狀況-但可以通過深靜脈系統傳播然後進入肺部。肺中的血塊被稱為肺栓塞(PE)。 VTE可能致命,但也可以預防。<br />儘管VTE可以影響任何人,但某些風險因素是女性特有的。為了紀念情人節,請記住女性的前三大VTE危險因素並與親人分享。<br /><br /><br />1.含雌激素藥或激素療法諸如避孕藥和激素療法等基於雌激素的藥物會使血液更容易凝結。服用這種激素藥物會使發生血液凝塊的風險增加兩倍於不服用這些藥物的人的五倍。對於二十多歲的女性,服用聯合口服避孕藥會使血凝塊的發生率從10,000的只有大約10,000增加到2,000的最高。一些婦女處於較高的風險中,例如,如果她們或家庭中的某人患有VTE,超重或吸煙。當您考慮使用任何類型的基於雌激素的藥物時,請先與您的醫生談談您發生VTE的風險。<br />2.懷孕或近期出生肺栓塞是孕期和分娩後孕產婦死亡的主要原因。懷孕期間發生肺栓塞的風險比未懷孕或剛懷孕的婦女高約10倍。嬰兒出生後六到八週內的風險特別高。懷孕使您的血液更容易凝結,這是因為血液凝結因子的變化,使血液通過骨盆流回心臟的靜脈壓力以及對血管的損害,尤其是在剖宮產時。一旦在分娩期間或之後進行了VTE,在其他懷孕期間發生復發的風險就會更大。<br />3.隨著年齡的增長,血栓風險儘管任何年齡的人都可能發生VTE,但隨著年齡的增長,風險會增加。服用基於雌激素的激素替代療法(HRT)會增加2至3倍的VTE風險。但是,由於老年婦女的血液凝結風險要高得多,而且通常為HRT處方的是老年婦女,因此實際血凝塊風險要高得多。 60歲以上女性的VTE正常發病率約為千分之一。添加基於雌激素的HRT可使比率增加到300至500中的1。<br />何時進行VTE風險評估如果您懷疑自己可能患有VTE,應立即就醫。用於診斷VTE的測試(DVT的超聲波掃描,PE的CT掃描或通氣和灌注掃描)即使在懷孕期間和哺乳期間也對女性安全。<br />相關:血塊:您可能會忽略的常見殺手<br />靜脈血栓栓塞症通常是可以預防的,基於證據的預防策略可以阻止處於危險中的女性形成血栓。作為一名女性,重要的是要控制自己的健康並了解您的VTE危險因素。<br />第一步,請向您的醫生諮詢有關VTE風險評估的信息。在某些情況下,他們可能建議採取預防性治療,其中包括抗凝藥物(血液稀釋劑)和機械裝置(壓力襪)。<br /><br /><br />每個女人都需要知道VTE的體徵和症狀。今年要成為健康的情人節,並與您關心的人分享這一重要信息。<br />照片信用:阿拉米;上面的蓋蒂圖片社(2)。<br />醫學博士Claire McLintock博士是國際血栓形成和止血協會世界血栓形成日指導委員會委員。她是新西蘭奧克蘭市立醫院的婦產科血液學專家。她畢業於蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學,並在奧克蘭完成了血液學的研究生培訓。她感興趣的臨床和研究領域是女性的血栓形成和止血疾病,尤其是在懷孕期間。<br />重要提示:本文中表達的觀點和見解僅為作者的觀點,而不是Everyday Health。<br />查看更多<br /><br />
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Revision as of 20:17, 19 January 2021

It's available on cloud and as an hardware using One Time payment for lifetime use Facility of Video on demand Is Offered at Livebox: It really is for its audiences to pick and observe the video That's required by these
It supports all types Video Streaming necessary for whole Church Activities. With its Multiple Software & Apps. Create your personal Multiple Streaming Server: - Providing live streaming provider to Multiple Churches all over the world.
OTT -Television Apps Offered: To select & view 24x7 stations which is provided. Besides the aforementioned there are enormous possibilities to use it for various prerequisites for your church

Server trans-coding is Provided: Server trans-coding is provided to get a enormous selection of viewers at various online levels -who like to observe the program from exceptionally significant quality in very higher internet connection and also to viewers to view extremely low internet connection. All TV Channel Software Provided to create multiple TV Channel of all Churches: Multiple licenses of Playout, Mixing and Streaming software & Server is offered on higher plans of Ruby Plus to start & broadcast multiple 24x7 TV Stations of numerous churches at various places to broadcast as WebTV, Mobile TV, socialmedia TV, that could be viewed all apparatus also entirely on TV through internet Set Top box. Fully secured. Through internet protocol address or username and password to automatically broadcast only specific viewers. Multiple two-way Live Text Chat Provided for any 24x7 Interactive Aid or Prayer Ask for Live video salvation or aid for any purpose from anywhere in the entire world - Facility to Use Every streaming Server to get all variety of requirements -- Telecast of most church services. On-Line Sunday Classes, Any programs of the congregation in the church.
Facility to broadcast Live Multiple Social-media Platforms Simultaneously: Each Live Streaming Server could broadcast and disperse on multiple Social Networking Platforms of both YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.. It can even broadcast accounts of each social-media.
Multiple Mobile Live Streaming Apps is Provided: To any live streaming action of the church outside the church assumptions anywhere to live stream & broadcasting using any Android Mobile Phone
Education & Training: Each of of required applications for training is available in the platform with infinite Licenses. To Give Internal Training, webinar, Virtual Class room training, with Live Video, Live Demo and Live Twoway Chat etc..