Berlin my love

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The post-war Berlin. Divided walled city of ghosts, both figuratively and in a quite literal sense. Metropolis, in which painful past clashes with the gray everyday life. And over her two guardians empathetic, discerning with tenderness and devotion of the angels, which after all, is no stranger to human ills and dilemmas. Especially Damiel (Bruno Ganz), appears to be tired of his mission. Craves something tangible, he wants to replace eternity just as affected by the Stockholm syndrome, identified with their wards, willing to give up an important mission to the touch, cold invading the collar, the taste of coffee from a paper cup. Traverses the black-and-white landscape, encountering pain, eternal questions whose meaning and feelings faded, capable to tame predatory existence. Solveig Dommartin Argos FilmsWestdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) Road Movies Filmproduktion "Wings of Desire" consists of a series of scenes and sequences, whose real sense begins to break through the unhurried narration only with time. Is it a story about despair? Yes and no.

If you love, in a way that escapes banal rules, subtle. The longing, probably yes, but he also beyond. Not without reason, Wenders locates the action in Berlin, a multicultural melting pot of melancholy, decadent city, because the functioning of two different worlds. Equally modern and straszącym obscure monuments of destruction, which tends to constantly remind yourself about. Mecca artists fallen in the industrial space looking for inspiration for the apocalyptic visions. It is here at last resorted David Bowie in the 70s before the devastating addiction, in order to create the best board to his credit. Here, too, he found the house in the next decade, Nick Cave, messiah with a needle and biblical connotations. He and his entourage appear, moreover, one of the final key to the story scenes that moment of anxiety in handy connection souls. Peter Falk, Bruno Ganz Argos FilmsWestdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) Road Movies Filmproduktion Full of melancholy odyssey envoy of heaven as a whole has been woven with poetic metaphors, references. Wenders in fact not so much interested in the story itself, what her mood, meaning suggested. Only after przyobleczeniu w corporeal form, an angel gets heroic dimension, it becomes capable of childish delight, making mistakes and ask questions to gain weight back. Suddenly, in the lens Henri Alek, Berlin-torn enclave of desperadoes, transformed into a city of hope. Just turn on the light, turn expressionist anxiety in the color palette, surprising power excitation original enthusiasm. There's pathos, solemnity ugly, at best naive idealism, as far from Hollywood artificial manners. "Wings of Desire" as the most far because it is the cynical infantilism and vulgar literalism that characterized his later, American alteration under the title "City of Angels" (notice on the margin account that the very English-language original title, "Wings of Desire", it seems disgraceful to be shortness author's concept).

Easy to read, but it is not obvious, prone to fantasy, but not trashy phantasmagorical. Filled with romantic Germanic spirit, which can be summed up the German term "Erinnerung". Equivalent sensitivity in the impoverished American cinema counterpart with a candle to look for, because not having an affair for Dummies comes as a genuine sentiment. And if they erase it all and learn from new learning: cities, streets, sensations, tastes, gestures, no finished hints ..